It's been quite sometime since I wrote. So much has happened since. What I'm most happy to share is that I was finally able to make use of my Masters dissertation when I was interviewed for an investigative documentary film called 'Sand Wars'. The Director Denis Delestrac is a highly accomplished person and I couldn't be happier that he found the inspiration for such a film while he was lounging on a beach a few years ago. He has interviewed many experts and shot footage at many production sites to make this movie a compelling watch. I still haven't seen the complete version. Waiting with bated breath for the DVD he has promised to send me. In the meanwhile, an excerpt of the film with my interview can be found here . (In case you have trouble with the link, search for 'Le Sable, enquĂȘte sur une disparition' in facebook and look at the video titled UN EXTRAIT DU FILM - 1)
The trailer of the movie can be watched on
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